Pointed cabbage


Pointed cabbage is a member of the Brassica family and is assigned to the group of head cabbages. It is a close relative of white cabbage, but has significantly longer leaves that converge at the top – hence the name pointed cabbage! Compared to white cabbage, it has a much milder and more delicate taste, its head is significantly smaller and the leaves are much looser. Pointed cabbage also stands out for its softer, much more delicate leaf structure.

We grow our pointed cabbage at our farm in Büttelborn (southern Hesse). It also grows on fields in Bornheim (North Rhine-Westphalia) near the Rhine. But the majority of our pointed cabbage is grown in Kronprinzenkoog in the district of Dithmarschen (Schleswig-Holstein). With its marshy soils and proximity to the North Sea, this region is virtually predestined for cabbage cultivation and, with an area of 2,500 to 3,000 hectares, is the largest continuous cultivation area for head cabbage in the whole of Europe. Over the winter, when it has become too cold for outdoor cultivation in Germany, pointed cabbage comes from our Spanish farm in Balsapintada (Murcia).


Despite technological advances, a lot of manual work is still required when it comes to harvesting pointed cabbage. The head is cut by hand and the outer leaves are then removed before the cabbages are packed into boxes for further transport.

Since the leaves of pointed cabbage are more tender, their cooking time is also shorter than that of white cabbage leaves.


Pointed cabbage is often used in wok dishes in Asian cuisine. In German cuisine, pointed cabbage can be used in a wide range of dishes, such as stews and baked dishes, cabbage rolls or simply simmered or fried briefly as a vegetable side dish. Pointed cabbage also tastes great when used raw in salads.


The preparation of pointed cabbage is quite simple. Remove the outer leaves, cut into quarters and then simply cut out the thick inner stalk and chop the pointed cabbage into strips of any size. When cooking, remember that pointed cabbage does not have to be cooked for as long as white cabbage, as its leaves are more tender.


In addition to classic baked dishes or cabbage rolls, pointed cabbage is also excellent in casseroles or simply fried briefly in butter. Pointed cabbage also tastes excellent raw. For example, you can spice up your salad a little by cutting a few raw pointed cabbage leaves into it.


When buying pointed cabbage, make sure that the outer leaves are intact and crisp and that the head feels nice and firm. As pointed cabbage has very tender leaves, it cannot be stored for too long. It should therefore be prepared as soon as possible after purchase.


Pointed cabbage is not suitable for prolonged storage. It should be eaten fresh or somehow find its way onto your plate after a few days in the fridge.

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