Organic leeks

Interesting facts

The leek originally comes from the Mediterranean region and was already known as a cultivated plant in ancient times.  It belongs to the Allium family. Leeks are said to have provided the workers building pyramids in ancient Egypt with a source of strength.


The Latin name for the leek is “Allium Porrum”, which gave rise to the French and German names for the leek. The alternative German name, "Lauch", came from Switzerland to Germany via Baden-Württemberg and Hesse and is more similar to the English name, "leek".


Organic leeks have a strong and aromatic taste with a hint of onions. They have a strong, snow-white, straight-grown shaft, without any onion-like thickening. This lower part of the leek is white because it grows like a root under the ground without direct sunlight. The broad, flat leaves grow above the ground and are firm and deep green in colour. The white lower part has a more delicate and softer consistency and therefore does not need to be cooked or fried for as long as the green leaves. The entire vegetable can be eaten. You should only cut off the bottom of the leek above the root.

Our organic leeks grow in fields in Winsen/Luhe (Lower Saxony).


As they originate from the Mediterranean region, leeks are well adapted to the central and western European climate.  When it comes to the type of soil, leeks are not demanding, but they do not tolerate waterlogging. The soil should be thoroughly loosened so that the stems can grow nicely long and straight.

Almost the whole of the organic leek can be used. You should only cut off the bottom of the leek above the root. There’s a trick for washing leeks, since sand can sometimes accumulate in the gaps between the leaves. To remove the sand, cut the stems lengthwise until just before the roots. Then rinse the leaves thoroughly under running water and spread the leaves apart with your fingers so that you can also rinse out the hidden grains of sand. Then you can cut off the root end and cut the leaves into rings or the desired shape.


Our organic leek is a versatile and tasty vegetable. It can be gratinated, used raw in a salad, cooked in an omelette, served with pasta, made into a quiche or mixed with potatoes or minced meat to make delicious soups.


When buying, make sure that the leek has firm green leaves and a white root base.

Organic leeks can be safely stored in the vegetable drawer of the fridge for a few days. However, care should be taken not to place the leek next to ethylene-emitting products such as apples or pears, as the leek can spoil more quickly due to the ripening gas produced.


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