Fried Chinese cabbage

with radish and mie noodles

Level of difficulty
Ingredients for 4 people
1 Chinese cabbage
1 radish
1 onion
1 lime
4 tbsp sesame oil
2 tbsp olive oil
1 tbsp sweet chilli sauce
1 tbsp soy sauce
200g Mie noodles
Salt, pepper, cane sugar
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Prepare the mie noodles according to the instructions on the packet. Meanwhile, thinly slice the radish and marinate in the juice of a lime and olive oil, season with salt, pepper and cane sugar. Wash the leaves of the Chinese cabbage, spin dry and cut into bite-sized pieces. Heat the sesame oil in a pan (preferably a wok), fry the Chinese cabbage and chopped onion and season with the soy sauce and sweet chilli sauce. Arrange the noodles, fried Chinese cabbage and pickled radish on warmed plates and serve.


Bon appétit!